Monday, March 11, 2013

Fig Cutting Update

A few days ago, in my first post, I talked about how I propagated some green fig cuttings using the shoebox method.

The cuttings were removed from the shoebox with varying degrees of roots. Here is what they looked like on removal, six days ago.

I planted these cuttings into four containers, three into clear plastic party cups, and the one with the most roots into a 1.9L pot as the roots were too high up the stem to fit into the cups. Although we can't see into the pot, we can observe the progress of the roots in the cups very easily, and here is what six days growth looks like;

As of yet, there is no top growth, but I believe I shall see some leaves appear in the next week.

The mixture these cuttings are now growing in is approximately; One half part of the original propagating mix from the shoebox, and one half equal mix of pine bark fines and coarse perlite. I also added a small amount of sphagnum peat moss.

I intend to put all of these cuttings into proper pots tonight or tomorrow.


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