Besides figs, berries are some of my favourite things to eat. Always full of flavour, most berries are also extremely high in antioxidants and other healthy goodness. Blueberries in particular are always being touted as superfoods.
Unripe Berried on Powder-Blue
All my blueberries are coming along nicely, except for one, which flowered profusely and then unexpectedly died with the big frost two weeks ago.
Although I haven't seen any bees around to pollinate, it appears that almost every flower on each blueberry plant was pollinated, and now there are a good number of berries coming along on all my different plants.
Chillean Guava
The Chillean Guava are beginning to put out flower buds, which I expect to open in the next few weeks. The smaller plants seem to be too young to put many flower buds out, however the larger plants I bought from a local nursery appear to have a good number. I am very excited to try the berries later in the year!
Black Mulberry
The Black Mulberry tree was hit fairly hard with the heavy frost about a week or so ago, and lost a number of leaves, buds and dropped some berries. There is still quite a good number of berries on it however, and some of them are beginning to turn red. Hopefully I will have some tasty ripe mulberries in a couple of weeks.
Strawberries and Raspberries
Strawberries and raspberries are going mad. They love the sunshine, and are both taking over the space they have been given. In particular raspberries are quite aggressive and send suckered shoots quite far from the parent plant. If you are considering planting raspberries in your garden, be sure to contain them well.
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