Friday, March 7, 2014

Some garden updates


Way back in December I harvested my garlic. An afternoon of digging and tying yielded a good number of bulbs, and after giving some away and using a bunch, I still have a whole lot available today which I use almost every night.

Garlic after harvest
The garlic is sharp and flavourful and exceeds the garlic bought at the shops or markets by a long margin. I divided the garlic into bunches and store in my shed, hanging a bunch in the cupboard until ready for use.

About half of my garlic, bunched and ready to go
Close up of a fresh bulb
Four months later, the bulbs store nicely, ready to be cooked!


After planting up my veggies in Oct/Nov after out frosts, I have unfortunately let things lapse in the commotion around the twins birth. Regardless of this, I still manage to haul a good number of vegetables every week.

Here is today's haul, capsicums, tomatoes, beetroot, chillies, tomato, squash and eggplant.

Todays haul


My tomato vines were ravaged by the heat this year. Tomatoes literally cooked themselves on the vines, and my inattention caused the vines to sag and drop.

Luckily for me the plants still produced nicely. Two weeks ago we pulled this massive lot from the garden.

Periform Abruzzi
Golden Grape
Tommy Toes


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